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DuBois Office
Toll Free 1-800-748-7488
Don Klinger
522 S. Pancoast Rd.
Reynoldsville, PA 15851
Office 814-371-0155
Cell 814-541-1025

Brookville Office
Glenn White
11280 Fisher Rd.
Sigel PA, 15860
Office 814-752-2699
Cell 814-715-0583

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[Advantage Forestry].
All rights reserved.  Revised: 03/08/2000
Cybermarker Web Design.
Updated by Greg Dugan 04/15/2015



What is a consulting forester?

Consulting foresters are professionally trained in forestry or natural resource management, and their services are available to the public on a fee or contract basis.  Consultants have a college education in forestry and several years of experience, subscribe to a code of ethics developed by their professional organization, and have no direct affiliation with a forest industry firm.  Good consultants have the primary mission of representing the landowner interests.

When do I need a consulting forester?

Managing a forest property can be complex and time consuming. Natural agents such as insects, disease, fire, wind, and ice pose threats to your woodlot.  Foresters can provide advice and assistance to landowners who choose to undertake forest management projects that they do not have the time, or perhaps more importantly, the expertise to accomplish themselves.  A consulting forester can also provide periodic inspection and information to keep you appraised of woodlot condition and any need for salvage harvests that might arise from a natural calamity.

Absentee Landowners in particular, can gain peace of mind in having a consulting forester act as their agent, recommending forest management activities and representing their interests.